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Are you feeling Tired ? Have an IRON rich diet.

Posted by AJ Monday, June 23, 2008

Have an Iron reach food and leave your tiredness to live a life full of Energy.

As I have wrote in my last blog what really cause the constant tiredness in our body, thats causes due to Iron deficiency.

So, here I am giving you an Iron reach diet, so that you can have enough energy in your body and live every day & every moment full of energy.

Breakfast bytes
~ Breakfasts could include porridge of rice flakes, garden cress seeds or muesli (a popular ready made breakfast cereal that contains cereals, nuts and dry fruits).

~ A savoury preparation of rice flakes (masala poha) also works.

~ A vegetable sandwich made with green chutney (prepared from coriander leaves or mint leaves or curry leaves, coconut or groundnuts along with amla) and slices of tomato and cucumber has lots of iron.

~ Have a glass of citrus juice or a citrus fruit like orange or sweetlime.
~ Your main meals should contain a green leafy vegetable every alternate day and a salad either at lunch or dinner.

~ Cauliflower leaves are much richer in iron as compared to other green leafy vegetables and should be consumed more often.

~ Eating an amla along with your meal or drinking a glass of fresh lime juice half an hour after the meal is beneficial, as it helps increase the absorption of iron.

~ Non-vegetarians should include fish in one meal, and meat or poultry as a garnish to a vegetable dish in the other.
Snack time
~ Iron rich snack choices include dates, figs (anjeer), jaggery based chikki or garden cress seeds or ahliva ladoos.

~ Tea and coffee contain tannins, which form insoluble complexes with iron, thereby preventing its absorption. Hence, they should not be drunk along with or immediately after a meal.

Practicethese simple tips and you will feel just fit and fine.

Have an Ageless Body & Timeless Mind.




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I am A Fitness Enthusiast & A Laws of Attraction Practitioner. I love to learn and share the way of keeping mind, body & Soul young, agile, dynamic and ever motivated. I believe in "every desire of heart can be a living reality if we truly understand and take care of our body & Soul and the Universe at large". Life is all about making everyday count and making it better & better. Having an Ageless Body and a Timeless Mind with total abundance of Joy, Happiness, Laughter. With my blogs I share my thoughts, learning & ideas to a better life "A Life in Total Awesomeness".

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